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Resource handout for parents of a child with an ASD

Resource Helpful Materials Description

Autism Speaks

Autism Response Team

The nation’s largest autism science and advocacy organization; dedicated to funding research, increasing awareness of ASDs, and advocating for the needs of persons with autism and their families Links to parent support groups, educational materials, videos

Free downloadable 100 Day Kit is the definitive resource for families of children with newly diagnosed ASD

CDC – National Center on Birth Defects & Developmental Disabilities


Aims to promote the health of children and adults and to enhance potential for full, productive living, through research, partnerships, prevention, and education Learn the Signs, Act Act Early campaign to educate parents about child development and the early warning signs of ASDs and encourage developmental screening and inter-vention

Free resource kits for health care and child-care professionals

Organization for Autism Research (OAR)


Mission is to use applied science to answer questions that parents, families, persons with autism, teachers, and caregivers confront daily. Online Publications: An Educator’s Guide to Autism for parents, teachers, and other professionals teaching a child with autism in the educational setting

Parent’s Guide to Assessment

Autism Society of America


The nation’s leading grassroots autism organization, with a strong chapter network that has spearheaded numerous pieces of state and local legislation, including the 2006 Combating Autism Act Online quarterly journal Autism Advocate

Annual national conference on autism

Links to local chapters for families are particularly helpful

Future Horizons


Aims to disseminate information about autism and Asperger syndrome through books and other media; has grown to be a world leader in publications and conferences on ASDs Catalog of books, DVDs, and other materials for families, professionals, and children

Online magazine Autism-Asperger’s Digest features practical strategies for meeting the real-life challenges of ASD



Leading Web site for special education law and advocacy; publishes thousands of articles, cases, and free resources for parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys Online articles to help families understand the special education process

Books, CDs/DVDs, digital media through Harbor House Law Press

Yellow Pages for Kids provides contact information for local resources

Excerpt from September 2010 Consultant For Pediatricians

The National Academies Press


Publishes reports from national institutions, offers free online access as a PDF read-and-print publication Educating Children with Autism- seminal publication outlines evidence-based educational interventions in children with ASDs and identifies characteristics of programs that work

Research-based interventions for children with ASDs

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)

A video describing ABA is available at

To find board-certified behavior analyst in your area,
visit the Behavior Analyst Certification Board Web site:

Home/school programs

Discrete Trial Training (DTT)

Pivotal Response Training (PRT)

For a training video on PRT, visit

Please note: you will need to create a username and password to access the training materials

Verbal Behavior (VB) Approach

For an introduction to and more resources for VB, visit

Developmental Individual Difference Relationship (DIR)/Floortime Model

In-school programs

Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

Information on this model is available at

Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, and Transactional Supports(SCERTS)

For a video describing this model, visit

Training and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH)

For a video describing this model, visit

ASDs, autism spectrum disorders.

Related services handout for Families of a child with an ASD

Service Description Additional Information
Speech and language therapy Depending on the verbal aptitude of the child, the goal might be mastery of spoken language, use of signs or gestures to communicate, or the pragmatic (social) use of language To find a speech-language pathologist, contact the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: https://www.asha.org/
Augmentative Communication (AC) Any tool, strategy, or technology that compensates for, enchances, expands, or helps develop expressive and receptive communication skills; these range from gestures and signing to communication boards, speech-generating devices, and exchange-based approaches (such as PECS) For examples of AC devices, see the GoTalk Communication Device Series from Spectronics: https://www.spectronics.com.au/catalogue/gotalk-communication-device-series
Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS) PECS allows children with little or no verbal ability to communicate using pictures; PECS starts by teaching the child how to exchange a picture for an object For a video demonstrating PECS, go to https://www.youtube.com/user/pentaburks#p/search/0/eTzedhezar8 for a training module on PCS, go to https://autisminternetmodules.org/
Occupational therapy (OT) OT can provide strategies for learning key tasks that can be practiced at home, also address sensory defensiveness, which is common in children with an ASD For a podcast on the role of OT in children with ASD, go to https://www.talkshoe.com/
Social Stories The goal of a Social Story is to share accurate social information in a patient and reassuring manner that is easily understood; it is usually written in the first person in short,direct statements that target a particular skill to be mastered For a video describing Social Stories, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOHqcz9gZqk
Peer-Mediated Instruction (PMI) PMI aims to increase the social engagement of children with an ASD through semi-structured interactions with typically developing peers For a training module on PMI go to: https://autisminternetmodules.org/
Video modeling (VM) VM is used to teach desired behaviors in children with ASDs; either videotaped instruction of another person performing a desired behavior or videotaped models of the target child successfully performing desired behaviors (video self-modeling) For more information on VM visit The National Professional Development Center on ASDs Web site: https://autismpdc.fpg.unc.edu

Excerpt from September 2010 Consultant For Pediatricians

Recent News Articles & Studies

Title Description Link

Autism linked to increased cerebrospinal fluid in infants

A new study has uncovered a link between increased levels of cerebrospinal fluid in infants’ brains and a higher risk for developing autism spectrum disorder. Link