Dyson Medical | 2222 N. Craycroft Rd, Ste#150, Tucson, AZ 85712

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(520) 202-3488

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Medical Ear Piercing

If you are interested in having your child’s ears pierced, we encourage you to have the procedure performed with Dr. Duane Dyson. When an experienced doctor like Dr. Dyson performs the piercing, the risks are minimized and a better cosmetic outcome can be achieved.

Risks of ear piercing

At any age, there are certain risks associated with ear piercing. The most common complication of ear piercing is infection, which is much more likely to occur when ears are pierced in a non-medical setting, such as at a mall kiosk or a fashion accessory store. A minor infection can be treated with antibiotics and the earring hole may be preserved, but a serious infection can cause the hole to close up completely and may leave a scar. Infections can occur when the piercing site is not cleaned thoroughly or the child touches the hole frequently, introducing dirt and bacteria to the open wound. The best way to prevent infection is to have the piercing performed by a doctor and to follow all instructions during the healing process.

Asymmetry is another risk associated with ear piercing. When Dr. Dyson performs an ear piercing, he takes the time to assess the best position for the piercings. Ears and ear lobes are not symmetrical, so it’s impossible to place the holes in the exact spot in both ears. A trained professional is able to determine locations that will look balanced and beautiful.

The ideal age for ear piercing

The decision to have your child’s ears pierced is a very personally one. We cannot tell you when to have your child’s ears pierced, but we can help you make a decision that is right for you and your family. Here are some of the things to consider:

  • Dr. Duane Dyson can perform ear piercing for children during their two month wellness check up.
  • Your child must hold completely still during the procedure. Parents will need to immobilize their child during the procedure. This is easier for babies than toddlers.
  • The likelihood of developing a keloid at the piercing site is much higher in people over the age of 10. If you have a family history of keloids, you may wish to consider having your child’s ears pierced sooner rather than later.
  • If your daughter is asking to have her ears pierced, you must be 100% confident that she truly wants this done. If not, she may refuse to have the second piercing done. Dr. Dyson will not restrain a child or force them to complete the piercing against their will.

How Dr. Dyson performs medical ear piercing

Medical ear piercing ensures the best outcome for your child and is a very quick procedure. First Dr. Dyson determines where the holes should be made and marks the ears with a special pen. Then he will perform the piercing with a device that is specifically designed for medical ear piercing. This device eliminates the risk of cross-contamination and minimizes the risk of infection. The piercing takes just seconds to perform and the pain is similar to that of an injection. Babies and children are likely to cry after the piercing, but this is usually short-lived. Older patients often report that their ears feel warm or flushed afterwards.

After the piercing, Dr. Dyson provides his patients with specific instructions on how to care for their ears. By following these instructions and reminding your child to refrain from touching their ears, you can ensure the best outcome for your child.